By: Nadine Nehme
PhD, Chief Science Officer at Medicus AI

21 years into the 21st century, the next step in the human evolution path is taking shape. It is now clear that evolution cannot take place by relying solely on the real world. Virtual reality and the digital world are increasingly taking over, driven by the human desire to have a faster and easier life. Technology is no longer a utility that a business may use to grow, it is an absolute priority. There is no way forward without the digital world, and the gradual shift may turn into a complete transformation in the near future. The healthcare industry has been a huge beneficiary of the advancement of technology and the digital world. Tumors are easier to detect, patient management is less challenging, and test results are issued at a faster rate. These are just a few examples of how healthcare has evolved thanks to technology. As detailed in our earlier piece on digital pregnancy care, the digital shift has also benefited expectant mothers.
Mention the word pregnancy to anyone and their mind will immediately drift to the 9-month period where a woman prepares the fruit of her loins to come into the world. While this period does take center-stage in a woman’s magical journey, considerations must also be given to the prenatal and postnatal stages that a mother experiences throughout her journey. Femtech professionals sometimes choose to ignore these two stages that equally require professional care and follow up. This second piece of our digital pregnancy care series exhibits a few digital apps that accompany mothers-to-be in their three pregnancy stages.
The Planning Phase
Recognized as one of the best fertility apps in 2020 by Healthline, Flo provides AI-based ovulation predictions by tracking more than 70 body signals. The app also helps users discover their peak fertile days to better prepare their journeys.
Also featured in Healthline’s 2020 list, Period Tracker Clue offers an ovulation calculator and a basal body temperature tracker. Fertility predictions are also offered based on different metrics such as cervical fluid and ovulation test results.
The Pregnancy Phase
What to Expect
What to Expect’s Pregnancy Tracker & Baby App covers a few features for the planning phase but also could accompany women during their 9 months. The app includes a due date calculator, a weekly pregnancy tracker, and videos about what to expect during each week of pregnancy among other interesting features.
Pregnancy+ features daily articles, healthcare tips, and a host of other interesting perks such as interactive 3D models showing the baby’s development and a kick counter that tracks the baby’s movement and activity.
The Postpartum Phase
Glow Nurture
Featured in The Guardian and Brit + Co among others, Glow Nurture includes a few features for the postpartum phase such as postpartum support and postpartum tracking including breastfeeding and pumping.
Released in June 2019, The Mamamend app provides an evidence-based guide on common questions asked by mothers after childbirth. Though its features may be limited, the weekly guide addresses subjects such as emotional wellbeing, breastfeeding challenges, and core strengthening.
What We’re Doing
As you have probably noticed, there is no shortage of mobile applications floating in the digital pregnancy care space. Some offer features that have been in the market for quite a while, while others attempt to provide a unique experience that sets them apart. At Medicus, we have been working on something of ours behind the scenes. Our brand new K+ app intends to raise the bar and take digital pregnancy care to the next level. K+ postpartum feature in particular, goes into mostly uncharted territory and focuses on an aspect that most have neglected, the mother’s wellbeing post-delivery. While many postpartum apps are specifically designed with the baby placed at the center of interest, K+ offers a diversified range of features that shed light on mothers and help them navigate a tricky phase. Providing a postpartum and breastfeeding database of questions and answers, tracking postpartum mood and weight changes during periods and offering insights on how to navigate through them, and prompting mothers to take postpartum depression screenings are one of the many exciting features that we can’t wait to unveil.
As a take-home message, it is important to recognize that the pregnancy path is a journey that starts with proper planning and extends well beyond childbirth. Proactive and consistent care is required at all stages and expectant mothers and partners should be well equipped to face unexpected challenges. A million pregnancy apps and digital trackers may exist but without the necessary awareness and action from the user’s side, optimal results may be compromised. This is the biggest creational operation in the human lifecycle, and whether you’re a healthcare professional, a femtech business, or a mother-to-be, we all have a part to play and deliver.
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About Medicus AI
Medicus is a leading technology company supporting the diagnostic industry with an innovative digital health solution. Medicus’ licensed, integrated, and white-labeled B2B2C platform empowers users to visualize and interpret health data from blood tests and medical reports, helping patients and users better understand and manage their health.
Medicus works with some of the largest providers in Europe and the Middle East, delivering solutions and supporting specific use cases, with a combined patient reach of 30 million and growing.
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